Tuesday, 27 May 2014


Tea for the Beautification of Skin

"A cup of tea would restore my normality."
Douglas Adams - A Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe

Afternoon tea has been as traditional as the rising sun and its known healing benefits date back very far. Archeologists have agreed that the ancient use of green tea for health dates back to man's very early discoveries.  Tea contains useful compounds that are purported to increase health benefits, stimulate healthy cell regeneration and taste good over ice.  The group of naturally occurring compounds called phenols and polyphenols containing catachins and bioflavinoids are responsible for the taste and palatability of the herby drink. But they also pack a huge dose of vitality acting as powerful antioxidants, astringents and anti-inflammatories that can "normalize" you inside and out.

Dietary Benefits - when you consume teas you can experience the abundant benefits of vitamins, minerals and complex compounds to your blood stream that can improve circulation, aid in digestion, calm nerves and aid the reduction of stress and sleep complications.

Topical Benefits - Those who use tea as a topical solution can experience more vibrant, clearer skin, firming of saggy skin, more supple and smooth skin texture, calm down over-active sebaceous glands and reduce the signs of oxidative and premature aging.

HOW DO I ENJOY TEA ON THE OUTSIDE OF MY BODY RATHER THAN THE INSIDE? - Using hot water, steep a cup of tea for 3-4 minutes.  Use 1 part cooled tea to 4 parts cool temperature water in a bowl or jug.  Use a sterile cheese cloth or clean face cloth soaked in your cooled down tea solution and place over face or affected area for approx. 3-4 minutes at a time for up to 20 minutes (or you decide). You can also choose to use a cotton ball to swipe tea solution over your freshly washed face and allowing skin to air dry.  You can do this weekly to calm down stressed skin and firm up saggy jowls. TASK DURATION: approx. 25-30 minutes.


Green Tea - has vitamin C, D, B1, B2 which is good for skin clarity, is highly antioxidative which helps revitalize dull skin and slow signs of premature aging.

Rosehip Tea - has vitamin C and rich in 32 other minerals such as beta carotine, bioflavinoids that can improve elasticity and increase firmness of skin.

Peppermint Tea - is a natural antiseptic that has a cooling effect to skin, it improves circulation, stimulates nerve ending for aging or damaged skin, revitalized dull complexions and is antibacterial.

Ginseng Tea - is known for it's anti stress and aphrodisiac properties, it is detoxifying and strengthening for skin, healing for irritated skin, refreshes dull complexions and cell activating for aging skin.

Other great teas for the skin are chamomile, lemon or try your own blend to suit your tastes. Remember that tea may have powerful naturopathic effects and no regulated pharmaceutical governance considers tea an effective drug or treatment, therefore chemical compound constituents of tea nor any health claim from such constituents is not approved nor regulated by the FDA. Use tea at your own risk.

EXTRA... DID YOU KNOW?  Tea contains approximately an average of 10% caffeine. Caffeine can be very effective in treating the skin. When caffeine is absorbed by the body it creates a molecular chain reaction of vitalizing lipid cells and fatty acids that stimulate and increase nutrient flow during intracellular metabolism. Caffeine fights free radicals, soothes inflammation, treats dark circles and cellulite.

NOTE: The preceding text is not a replacement for doctor's advice, if you have a  serious condition, seek the advice of a doctor.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Guerlain Terracotta - Celebrating 30 Years

For All the Sun Worshipers - a must-have Iconic product

On May 22, 2014, Guerlain Toronto celebrated and launched it's iconic Terracotta Sun Celebration Bronzing Powder and Blush - 30 Year Anniversary Edition at La Societé. 

"With my affinity and ever-pursuit for glowing skin, this became one of my instant faves." - Melani Chong

Bask in the glow of Guerlain's 3-in-one blush-bronzer-awesome pallette.  With a sweep of this illuminating bronzer, you can achieve that south of France flush that will last all blooming day.

From the four generations of the Guerlain family cosmetic legacy, comes a(nother) stunningly crafted product that will elevate your cosmetic routine into an artistry.  It's delicate wooden inlaid compact with magnetic closure opens up your world to opulent sun kissed skin.  See for yourself the power that centuries of perfumery sovereignty from Guerlain have forwarded to today.  For more information visit www.guerlain.com

Silk for your Skin and Hair - What can it REALLY do?

I love the look of healthy illuminated skin and silk is one luxurious way to achieve that.

Silk ingredient components in cosmetics can impart attractive and healthy benefits to skin and hair.  Silk contains several different amino acids, all which come from the cocoon of the silk worm. These amino acids contain the sighted protein stimulants and have a chemical composition that is very close to that of human skin and hair making it a wonderful source of nourishment and maintenance. Silk can protect hair from moisture loss, maintain hydration in skin and provide a silky smooth finish. But you cannot buy silk additives for at-home use as it is the high-grade manufacturing techniques which determine the chemical influence that silk bears on skin and hair.

The original composition of silk, which is sustained through highly accurate refinement processes, when added to cosmetics, impacts the growth of melanin (the pigment in skin) and is effective at penetrating the hair and skin. Silk can provide clearer skin, improved shine and elasticity, a smooth texture and attractive appearance over time with the use of effectual products.  Silk can create a luxurious smooth texture to the skin that many skin care junkies covet. The triangular prism-like structures of silk molecules can reflect light at many angles giving silkened surfaces a natural shine and opalescence. Be careful of other additives that can mimic the feel of silk or ‘silkiness’ on immediate use (sometimes referred to as slip and only last per each application) but may not have the long term of result of the real silk amino acids.

HINT:  Test different brands of products that claim silk as an effectual ingredient as there are several types of silk ingredients that have different dispersion and penetration rates that can influence efficacy.  You will have to experiment to find the one that gives you your desired effect before you drop a lot of coin for a product promising a luxurious silk impression.  
You’ll have to silk for yourself...

DID YOU KNOW?  “Peace silk” is harvested from insect larvae that have been able to emerge from its cocoon resulting in a new ethical process that degums and harvests the fibres for textile use.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Face Washing Faux-Pas

Four things NOT to do when washing your face

- by Camille Wodka

Listen up ladies and gents, it’s time to re-evaluate our daily and nightly skin care rituals. When it comes to washing your face, technique is something many of us put little consideration into. Some don’t realize exactly how much dirt can build up on our skin throughout the day. Taking a second to think about how often I touch my face (eeew), it’s safe to say quite a bit. I know falling into bad or ineffective skin care habits is a big no-no, which is why I’m going to put some direction into my own beauty routine and change those lazy habits into beautiful results.

We all wish for flawless skin. Skin has a tendency to be unpredictable, prone to annoying break-outs and irritations and begins to feel more like a never-ending battle. Here are some simple and worthwhile tips to follow so that we can all achieve that beautiful complexion effortlessly.

1. Don’t be wishy-washy
When it comes to washing your skin, make sure not to over-do-it. Over washing your face and skin can cause your skin to dry out, break out, become sensitive and contribute to the aging process. Also, don’t scrub or tug at skin aggressively all you basically need are your fingertips, a gentle cleanser and clean water. C'est fini! 

2. Don't forget to exfoliate
Make sure you DO IT! There are many effective techniques to slough off dead skin cells, get circulation pumped and reveal new, glowing skin surfaces. Our own individual skin is a unique biological mesh-like structure of cells, tissue fibres and hair which can collect microscopic residue from environmental pollutants, make up and dead skin cells.  So it's pertinent to relieve your skin of these grasping impurities with a gentle sloughing of the skin with an exfoliant. It will enhance skin’s texture, detox pores and rid your face of dead skin build up, leaving that beautiful glow. However, keep in mind that exfoliating more than twice a week can cause irritation so don’t over-do-it. It should take about 60 seconds to do a good job exfoliating but the results will be apparent in an instant.

3. Saving Face - but please wash it off at the end of the day
Girls, we’ve all been lazy pre bed-time. After a long, tiring day, forgetting to take off your makeup when crashing on the couch is your preferred option, can turn into a bad habit. That bad habit can ruin your complexion by clogging pores, suffocating the skin and allowing the toxins from make up to attack your range of cellular vitality and lead to oxidative damage and premature aging. Get up, smarten up and wash up, you won’t regret it in the long run.  And guys... don't exclude yourselves here. There is still a film of product and/or residue over your skin you need to remove before you hit the sack.

4. Don't believe the hype on harsh cleansers
Leave that gimmicky soap strictly for the brutes, it can cause skin irritation and rid your skin of its naturally moisturizing oils. Consider finding a cleanser that is pH compatible with your unique skin type. A great solution for an all natural cleanser is a Tear-Free Foaming Cleanser. It’s ideal for the face and even hands, and great for removing dirt and build-up from make-up and environmental pollutants leaving skin pH balanced and soft. If you love make up, but not on your pillow, use a make up melting soapfree cleanser before bed that removes even the most stubborn of Chanel red lipsticks.

So, if you didn’t know, now you know these simple starter steps and tips. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t be efficient when it comes to skin care starting with the face washing basics. Let’s break free of the pesky habits, and start cleansing our way to a blemish free and flawless complexion.

Camille is mc2Beauty's hip and stylacious PR Associate and beauty contributor with an education in Public Relations and Fashion Merchandizing from Humber College.  Camille oversees the majority of the event coordination and execution for the Soya and mc2Beauty brands. We LOVE her infectious sweetness and her ability to get to the point.

Monday, 12 May 2014

ACNE in Teens - Getting Ready for PROM

Teen Acne - Put your Best Face Forward

85% of teens and 72% of adults "thought washing your face more often helped clear up acne". So, don't over wash or over treat teen skin.

Most teens are affected by acne at some level. Studies suggest that early onset acne in teens can most likely result in worsening of condition throughout the teen years. So, it is important for tweens and teens to gain control of acne early to prevent severe scarring. If there are no signs of acne in teens, do not over treat skin which causes unnecessary irritation and the "appearance" of acne. Teens' pores are still youthful, so keep the skin care methods pure and simple as to not start skin reactions that never needed to occur. Do not use overly fragranced products or complicated skin care regimens that can irritate teen pores. Make sure to protect skin when going outside and hydrate using pure and mild moisturizers.

- Acne affects 20% of Canadians
- 80% of them are teens aged 12-24 years old
- Acne can exist at any age, 20% consists of adult onset acne cases
- Worst case teen acne usually persists into adulthood.

  1. Keep it Clean - wash all pillowcases, bedding and sports clothes often, clean your face cloth regularly and keep make up brushes washed and sanitized daily.  Don't allow acne to spread with dirty deeds.
  2. Use a mild cleanser on face and affected skin only twice daily and refresh your skin by using a nourishing detoxifying spray toner at home and at school, after gym or tough days.
  3. Don't pick or pop zits, this will cause more bacteria to spread in the area and worsen potential out breaks and also scarring.
  4. Wear less make up and use non comedogenic (non pore clogging) formulations.  Let your skin breathe, go totally make up free for a few days - it's actually liberating!

Helpful Skills:

- Use a chemical free tea tree ointment to help speed up acne healing
- Only use gentle scrubs only when skin is not irritated.  Slough away dead skin cells with a pure organic scrub that contains no harsh ingredients that can over dry or irritate acne prone skin.


In Your Face: Health and Beauty blog as well as mc2Beauty Inc. and Soyaskin is proud to be a contributor and sponsor for The Prom Show and www.ThePromShow.ca, a Canadian organization and online resource for teens and parents that has a strong message about youth advocacy and connects teens to everything needed for those special occasions that mark your adolescence. Visit www.ThePromShow.ca for more information.
prom show logo

Thursday, 8 May 2014


Mums deserve the best.  I know this because I am a mother of many and I wouldn't want anything but the best for my family.  Lizards, turtles, fish, a bunny, a 6 year old and a 14 year old all need special care by special hands. Sometimes mothers forget to think about themselves while their needs are getting flushed with the baby bathwater. It's that time of year to remind those batty bag ladies (aka: mom) in your life to take a breather and find something soul surrendering for themselves. You can become that clever off-spring that gets it right this #MoDay and makes some extra mumma marks this year!

So, to help you get it right, I am spilling some beans on what Moms are thinking now and then...

1. "What is my kid thinking!" (usually teamed with slight rolling of the eyes and a gentle shake of the head motion, insert sigh)
1.a. Solution:  Surprise her with a thoughtful gift that you can share together; like her fave chocolate truffles or bottle of her favourite sparkling beverage to take to a picnic together.  That way she can get a little you time to reconnect and you can just unload your awesomeness on her.

2. "You people are needy!" (this sentiment occurs when your Mom is walking around the house with an arm full of random things she finds in her way such as an empty cup, crusty sock, old lunch, back packs, soccer shoes, basketball (you can picture your own belongings here) just to get to the next room and forget what she originally went there for... oh yeah, more laundry soap.
2.a. Solution:  Pamper your Mom and don't let her lift one tired, unmanicured finger. Bring her things such as the morning paper, a tea, a snack, a hug, then repeat for a duration of 12 hours to let her rejuvenate her busted up body already. I like to call this Mommification, where the mother wraps herself up loosely like a mummy in bed or on couch (or dock) all day with everything needed at her disposal for a well deserved time out.

"Who doesn't want a Face Lift in a Bottle!?"

Everyone wants the perfect solution to effortlessly perfect skin.

Well many have found it in Soyaskin's Vitamin C Face Lift SerumThis is the media lauded face lift in a bottle. It was titled one of the best face primers by professional make up artists because of it's extreme instant smoothing and tightening qualities (see us on CTV's Marilyn Dennis Show). Vitamin C is proven to improve skin's tone and texture as well as fight acne and clear blemish spots. Soy is brightening and anti aging. Soy is biologically an anti-inflammatory and therefore naturally anti-aging by nature of action. It is locally grown and ethically harvested for your Soyaskin products. 

 "I use this after my botox and Juve, it keeps me supple, tight and maintains my cosmetic investment."   -Jordan

Smooth over skin but don't rub it in:  allow the serum to fully absorb into skin. It is important to smile softly while it is absorbing as to exercise the musculature of the face leaving an uplifting effect.

Soyaskin products help you to achieve your skin care goals naturally and with sustainable practices, making skin brighter, clearer, detoxed and youthful. Perfect!

Now on sale. Regular $90 - NOW $65 plus delivery

 "My skin is 1000% better. I had a lot of break outs and Vitamin C Serum has cleared it up. And I will never worry about premature aging skin now."    -Kelly McLeod